
True Love Part 2

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True Love: Part 2

Disclaimer:  I don't own Rugrats or it's spin off All Grown Up.

Kimi’s Movie

A camera is shooting Tommy drinking from the water fountain.  The camera moves down, it’s held by Kimi and she seems very frustrated.  “No, this isn’t right.  I don’t want the movie to be about Tommy’s day.  It’s got to be a tribute to him.  But how?  I mean, sure I can find some old footage of us as kids like Tommy did but who do I know that has enough?  Besides Tommy of course.”  Just then Dil walked, backwards, past her.  Kimi smiled and followed him.

4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . !

Every birthday, my mom and dad would say
You’re another year older, another year wiser

But I still go to school to get an education
I treat each and every day like a mini vacation!

All Grown Up!
I really wanna shout it out!

All Grown Up!
I want the world to know!

All Grown Up!
I really wanna shout it out!

All Grown Up with you

All Grown Up . . . with . . . you!


“I’m sorry Kimi but I can’t.”  Dil said sadly as he put his head down.  The two were in the lunch room at a table.  Dil’s food was all gone but Kimi never touched hers.

“Why not?”  Kimi asked.

“You’re asking me to steal my own brother’s old movies.  I just can’t do that.”  Dil sighed.

Kimi sighed rather irritably.  “Dil please.  I’m not asking to keep them, just borrow them for a while.  Please.  It’s for that movie I want to make him for his birthday as apologizing for the way I . . . the gang treated him about his movie.”  She pouted.

“But I have to ask Tommy first.”  Dil replied.

“NO!”  Kimi said loudly.  “Don’t tell Tommy.  The only thing he knows is that I’m making a movie, that’s all.  I don’t want him to know anything else.”

“Then that’s a definite no Kimi.  I can’t secretly take something from him.”  Dil said, shaking his head.

“Tell me something Dil.  Does Tommy still watch those movies of his?”  Kimi wondered.

“Well . . . uh . . . no actually.”  Dil questionably replied.

Then, if he’s not using them, I can borrow them and return them later right?”  Kimi smiled.

“I . . . uh, guess so.”  Dil mumbled.

“Good, then it’s settled.  Meet me at the Java Lava later today.”  Kimi said excitedly as she grabbed the camera and walked off.  Dil just stayed at the table and sighed.


Dil sneaks into Tommy’s room and makes sure no one is near.  He opened Tommy’s top desk drawers and took out a key.  Then he used that key to unlock the bottom drawer.  In it were a bunch of video tapes.  “He’ll never know.”  He sighed sadly before he opened his back pack and placed in the tapes.  Then he locked the drawer and put the key back.  He left quietly and closed the door.

At the Java Lava

Kimi is sitting at a table looking at her watch.  “Where is he?”  She mumbled.  Just then Dil walked in.  “Finally.  Hey Dil!  Over here!”  She called and waved her hand.  Dil sighed again and walked over.  “So, did you get them?”  Kimi asked excitedly.

Dil, still in a sad mood, nodded.  He lifted his backpack on to the table and opened it.  He handed the tapes to Kimi, who let out a happy laugh.  “Now remember, just for a little while.”  Dil sighed.

“Of course.”  Kimi smiled happily.  She quickly hugged Dil.  “Thanks Dil, you’re the best.”

She packed the tapes into her backpack and ran home.  Dil just laid his face on the table and sighed.  “I hope I did the right thing.”


Kimi ran through the door and into the family room.  She took her backpack off, placed it next to the TV, and sat down.  She unzipped it and reached her hand into it.  “Let’s see now, which one should I see first.  I’ve got to know what’s one these so I can know what to use.”  She pulled out a tape.  “Okay what do we got?  “Creature from the backyard”?  Eh, whatever.”  She shrugged as she placed it into the VCR.


Tommy came home laughing.  Dil was lying on the couch.  “Hey bro!  What’s up?”

“Nothing, except I just saw something that reminded me of something I once shot.  I’ve got to re-watch it to see what it is.”  Tommy laughed as he went upstairs.

‘Ah no.’ Dil thought.  He lifted his head from the couch very scared.  A few moments later.

“AHHHHH!”  Tommy yelled.

Stu ran from the basement, holding a screwdriver.  “What?  What happened?  What’s wrong?”  He panicked.

Tommy came downstairs enraged.  “Someone stole my old movie collection!”  He growled.

“What?”  Stu couldn’t believe it.  “Who?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”  Tommy snarled.  Dil, slowly, hid back behind the couch.

Back at the Finsters

Kimi is on the floor laughing.  She got up and tried to control herself.  “Man, these are so funny.”  She giggled.  After a few seconds she calmed down.  “Woo, anyway, it’s too bad I can’t use any of these.  He’s not in anyone of them.”

Just then Chuckie walked in.  He walked past the entrance to the Family Room, looked in, and walked by.  He quickly came back and saw Kimi.  “Hey, what’re you doing?”  He smiled.

Kimi panicked.  “Nothing!  I’m not doing anything!”  She quickly tried to stuff the tapes back in her backpack.  Unfortunately one of them fell in front of Chuckie’s Feet.  Chuckie picked it up.

“Creature from the backyard?”  He was shocked.  “Kimi this is Tommy’s movie!”  He waved the tape in the air as he spoke.

“It’s not what you think I swear.”  Kimi cried.

“Oh really?”  Chuckie said with his arms crossed.

“I asked Dil if I could borrow Tommy’s old movies, thinking that he would be in any of them.”  Kimi responded very panicky.

“And . . .” Chuckie asked.

“He . . . he wasn’t in any of them.”  She frowned.

“Kimi . . .” Chuckie sighed.

“I know it was wrong, but I just couldn’t shoot anything without it being to boring.  I already got a bunch of shots with him and you guys but I just couldn’t fit them together.  So I decided to take shots of just him, however THAT didn’t work.  So I decided to try and use shots of him when he was younger BUT that . . . that . . .” Kimi started to cry.

“There, there Kimi.”  Chuckie sighed as he kneeled down and comforted his sister.

“How . . . how can I make this video if . . . if I don’t even know what to do?”  She cried, big tears, on Chuckie’s shoulder.

“You’re really taking this hard huh?”  He smiled.

Kimi lifter her head and looked at her older brother.  “Of course?  Why shouldn’t I be?”  She sniffed.

“It’s just; I’ve never seen you act like this before for anyone else.  Could it be that you’re in lo . . .” Chuckie couldn’t finish.  Kimi immediately put her hand on his mouth.

“Don’t you dare finish that!”  She growled.  “It’s NOT like that WHAT SO EVER!  I’m just doing this as a friend.”

Chuckie, playfully, backed away and smiled.  “Whatever.  If I was you, I’d ask Tommy what to do.”

“But HOW CAN I?  I’m trying to keep most of it a secret from him!  If I ask, I’ll spoil it!”  She cried.

“Well then, don’t let him know it’s connected to the movie.”  Chuckie smirked.  Kimi seemed confused.  Chuckie gave a small wave and left.

“Don’t let him know . . . don’t let him know?  That’s it!”  Kimi cried.

In Chuckie’s Room

Chuckie picks up his phone and dials a number.  He puts it to his ear and waits.

“Hello?  Hey it’s me.  Yeah I’m fine.  Listen, I called to tell you, you were right about her.  Looks like our plan’s a go then huh?  Yep, uh huh?  Yeah she’s probably going to talk to him tomorrow at school.  Yep, okay.  Good, see ya then.  Bye.”  He hung up the phone and smiled a huge grin,

The next day

Tommy is at his locker.  He takes out his books and slams it hard.  He slams his fist on it and lays his head on it too.  “Who could have taken it?”  He mumbles.  Suddenly someone Jump Tackles him and clings on tight.  “What the hey?”  He cried as he turned around and faced the other direction.

It was Kimi.  She let go and leaned her head in front of Tommy.  “Gotcha.”  She smiled.

“What the heck was that for Kimi?”  Tommy complained.

“Well you looked like you were down in the dumps so I thought I’d cheer you up.  And relax, as you can see no hardly anyone’s here to even notice that.”  Kimi giggled.

Tommy sighed.  “Well, any way, it didn’t work.”  He turned around and walked, slowly, towards class.  Kimi gulped as she started to follow.  Suddenly she heard what sounded like a camera.  She turned behind her, no one was there.  She shrugged it off and followed Tommy.

“Sorry.  Hey wait up.”  She called after him.  “What’s wrong?”

“Someone stole my old movies.”  Tommy growled.

Kimi was shocked.  ‘He knows, now what do I do?’  “Really?  Who could have done that?”  She asked in a, some what fake, worried voice.

“I don’t know, but I won’t stop until I find out who did and when I do, they’re dead meat.”  He held his fist in front of him all balled up in rage.  Kimi gasped in horror.  Tommy heard her and looked at her.  “Sorry Kimi, didn’t mean to scare you.”  He laughed as he lowered his fist.  “So, did you want to talk about something?”

“Wha . . . no nothing HA HA!  Nothing at all.  Well, see ya later Tommy.”  She laughed nervously.  With that she ran ahead of Tommy towards the class room.  Tommy was very confused.


Kimi ran into the family room and dug out the tapes from the VCR cabinet.  “I’ve got to somehow return these back to Tommy without him finding out.  But how?”  She wondered.  She snapped her figures.  “I know!  I’ll just place them somewhere in his room so it looks like he misplaced them.  Perfect!”  She emptied her backpack and started packing the tapes.

Just then one of the tapes fell out.  She picked it up.  “Strange, I don’t recall watching this one.  I wonder what it is.”  She noticed it had no label on it.  “Well, one more video won’t do any harm I guess.”  She placed it into the VCR and press play.

On the screen was Dil a few years younger; he was doing some weird tricks.  Tommy could be heard over the camera.  “Alright Dil, now hold that pose aannnndddd . . .”

“Tommy!  Phone!”  Didi’s voice called.  Dil fell to the ground.

“Mom!  I told you not to bother us!”  Tommy voice called as the camera moved to the side.

“Sorry sweetie, it’s just Chuckie just called and he was wondering where you are!”  Didi’s voice called back.

“Where I am . .  . Why would he . . . oh shoot!”  Tommy’s voice said.  The camera showed his hand heading upward, indicating he slapped his forehead.  “It’s Kimi’s birthday!”  The camera moved left and right.  “Uh?  Where’s the present?”  He cried.  “Here Dil, hold this while I look for her present.”  The camera was passed to Dil, who turned it around and recorded Tommy looking, frantically, around.

“My birthday?  Wait, when was this?”  Kimi wondered.  She looked at the date on the camera and read the year.  “1999!  Wait that was the year I got him that Reptar movie set and all he got me was . . . but why is he worried about it?  It wasn’t much.”  She scratched her head in confusion.


Tommy walked up to the Finsters house.  He walked over to the backyard where he saw Chuckie in his practice room packing up his drums.  “Chuckie?”  He wondered.

“Oh!  Hey Tommy.  What’s up?  What brings you here?”  Chuckie asked rather nervously.

“Just looking for my old movies that someone stole.  You haven’t seen them around have you?”  Tommy asked.

“What me?  See your tapes?  No way!  Why would I have seen your movies?”  Chuckie rambled.

Tommy raised an eyebrow.  “Well, do you mind if I go in?”  He asked as he headed for the door.

Chuckie, knowing full well Kimi was inside with the movies, tried to stop him.  “No uh you can’t!  The house is very messy.”  He cried.

“Chuckie, I’ve seen your house messy plenty of times.”  Tommy laughed as he opened the door.

“Wait!”  Chuckie ran after him.

Back in the room

On the TV.  Tommy is sitting on his bed, with Dil still recorded him.  “What am I going to do?  I bought Kimi a great gift and I lose it.  Some friend I am.”  He moaned.

Kimi was shocked to see Tommy beat himself up like that.  ‘I just don’t believe it.’

“Hey Tommy, I have an idea.”  Dil’s voice replied.  He walked over to Tommy.

“Hey, the camera’s still on.”  Tommy mention.  He reached over the lens.  Quickly the camera shut off.

Kimi was left seeing a screen full of static.  Kimi just sat there, wondering about what she just saw.  ‘I can’t believe it.’  She thinks as she ejects the tape.  She puts it in her backpack and stands up.  When she turns around she jumps when she sees Tommy standing behind her.  He seemed very cross.  Kimi didn’t know what to say.  “Tommy . . . uh . . . listen I . . . uh . . .”

“I trusted you Kimi!  I never thought that YOU of all people would do such a thing!  Not only did you steal MY movies, but you didn’t tell me either!”  Tommy said loudly.  Kimi looked very hurt.  “I just don’t believe you Kimi.  I just, don’t know what to say about this.”  He said quietly.

Kimi was almost at a lost for words.  “Tommy . . . I’m sorry, it’s just that . . . my video was . . .”

“Sorry isn’t gonna cut it Kimi!  You took things that were very personal to me AND you watched them.  Some of them had things I didn’t want ANYONE to see.  I don’t think I can ever forgive you for this Kimi.”  Tommy turned his back to her and walked away.

“Tommy . . . I . . .” Before she could finish, Tommy had already walked out the door.  Kimi just fell to her knees on the floor and burst into tears.

The next day (the day before Tommy’s birthday)

Kimi walked up to the Pickles house and knocked on the door.  Didi answered.  “Well hello Kimi, what brings you here?”

Kimi looked down at the ground.  “Uh, is Tommy home?”  She asked quietly.

“Well, yes he is in his room but I don’t think he’s talking to anyone right now.”  Didi sighed sadly.

“It’ll only be for a moment.  I’ve got something to return to him.”  Kimi said quickly.

“Well, I suppose.  Should I call him down?”  Didi asked nicely.

“No, I can take it upstairs to him.”  Kimi said with a small smile.  The smile faded as she headed up the stairs with her backpack on.  She knocked on Tommy’s door.  “Tommy?  It’s me Kimi.”  No reply.  “Look, I’m sorry about what I did okay.  Also . . . I thought you’d like to know I don’t remember much of what I saw on those tapes anyway.”  She sighed as she put her back to the door.  Still no answer.  “Please Tommy, let me at least give you back your movies personally.  I won’t saw another word.  Please!”  She cried.

A few seconds later, Tommy opened the door.  “Well, come in.”  He said very coldly and emotionlessly.

Kimi shuttered for a second before she gulped, nodded, and entered.  She sat on his bed and stared at him.  Tommy just crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

“Well, are you going to give them to me or not.”  He growled harshly.  Kimi, immediately, opened her backpack, took out the tapes, and handed them to Tommy.  “I’ll be back.  I’m gonna put these in a new hiding spot.  When I get back, I want you out of my room.  Okay?”  Kimi nodded quickly.  “Good.”  With that, Tommy left.

Kimi fell backwards on Tommy’s bed and just laid there.  She looked up at Tommy’s poster of his idol Martin Costomiris.  “What would Tommy’s idol do in a situation like this?  Would he give up, or try something else.  I mean, how can someone make a movie about a person like Tommy?”  She cried.

“There are many ways to make a movie.”  A voice said.  Kimi looked to see the voice was coming from the poster.  “But giving up is never one of them.  Always find different ways to make everyone happy because, when they’re happy you’re happy.  And besides, there are many things to talk about a person.  Who they’ve met or where they’ve been or what they’ve done are all things that make them who they, and you, are.”

Kimi smiled as she sat up.  “I got it!  Strange that I had a conversation with a poster however.  I better not tell Tommy this, he probably wouldn’t understand.  Right now, I’ve got people to talk to.”  With that, she got up and ran out the door.

That night

Kimi is lying at a movie mixer that she borrowed from Tommy’s dad.  He said it’s the same thing Tommy uses on his movies.  She, very sleepily, looks over at a bunch of video tapes and movie reels.  She had been going to all of her friends houses, asking their parents if they have any home movies with Tommy in them.  She asked the Carmichael, the De Ville’s, her parents, Angelica’s parents, and secretly, Tommy’s parents.  She had pasted everything together.  She let out a big yawn and made a big stretch.  “That’s about all I can do.  Better hit the hay and just hope this’ll work.”  With that, she went to bed and fell, quickly, asleep.

Just then her door, quietly, opened.  Two shadow figures entered, one seemed to be holding a camera.

“You all set?”  One of them asked in a familiar girl voice.

“Yeah, but are you sure we should do this?”  The other replied in a familiar boy’s voice.

“Like YEAH!”  The girl said, a little loudly.

“SHHH!”  The boy shushed.

The girl covered her mouth.  Kimi tossed and turned a little for a second.  The two figures let out a sigh of relief.

“Boy, when she’s out of it she’s out of it.”  The girl replied.

“Yeah.”  The boy said.

”So, shall we?”  The girl asked.

“Whatever, let’s just get this over and done with.”  The boy moaned.  The two over them approached the movie mixer.

The next day

Kimi woke up and stretched.  Very tiredly, she looked at the clock.  Her eyes almost bugged out.  “AHHHH!  It’s 11:45!  And the party starts at noon!”  She, frantically, got out of bed and to the shower.  A few seconds late she runs in, soaking wet, with a towel around her and another over her hair.  She runs into the closet and, quickly, come out in her usual brown coat with green fur lining, yellow pants, black boots, blue shirt, and brown tie.  She also had her hair in her usual ponytail and had her earring in.  She ran to the mixer, grabbed the finish tape along with Tommy’s camera, and flew out the door.  She was in such a hurry she didn’t seen the other camera hidden under the chair in front of the mixer.


Everyone is outside in the backyard.  There are balloons, a DJ, tents, the works.  Tommy’s wearing a birthday boy shirt.  He looks around and smiles.  Just then Chuckie walks up with a soda in his hand.

“Hey Tommy.”  He smiled.

“Hey Chuckie.”  Tommy said, a little less enthusiastic.

“Um, great party.”  Chuckie said quietly.

“Yeah it is awesome isn’t it?”  Tommy replied.

The two were quiet for a while.

“Look Tommy, I’m sorry Kimi did what she did.”  Chuckie sighed.

“I don’t want to talk about it Chuckie.”  Tommy grumbled quickly.

Nearby, Kimi stopped her bike and parked it next to the house.  She snuck around to the back and saw everyone there.  She looked around the corner for Tommy and saw he was with her brother.  “What am I gonna do?”  Kimi asked herself.

“Hey there.”  A voice called from behind Kimi.  Kimi jumped.  She turned to see it was Dil.

“Dil!”  Kimi gasped.  “Look . . . um . . . about Tommy’s movies . . . I . . . uh . . .” Dil put his hand up to cut her off.

“It’s cool Kimi.  I forgive you.  It was worth a try anyway I guess.”  Dil replied quietly.  Kimi smiled and looked back around the corner.  Dil looked with her.  “So what’s the problem?”

“I want Tommy to see the movie I finished, but I don’t he’ll listen to me.”  She sighed sadly.

Dil looked around, suddenly something caught his eye.  “Hey Kimi!  Look at that.”  He pointed to something.  It was a tent.  In that tent was a big screen and a VCR/Projector made for playing modern home movies.  Kimi grinned a huge grin.  She hugged Dil and snuck into the crowd.

Tommy and Chuckie were still talking.  “So, what’s new?”  Chuckie asked.

“Nothing much.  You?”  Tommy asked.

“Nothing new either.”  Chuckie sighed.

Just then a sound was coming from projector.  Everyone entered the tent.  Tommy and Chuckie were confused, so they entered too.

There was the usual countdown. Then the title appeared.

A baby’s got to do what a baby’s got to do.  The story of Tommy Pickles.  By Kimi Finster.

Tommy gasped.  He looked at the projector and saw Kimi waving at him.  She got up and walked over to him.  “You mind if I sit.”  Tommy just looked at her, and then back at the screen.  He nodded.  Kimi gave a little smile and sat down next to him.  “Look, Tommy.  I’m still sorry about the . . .” Tommy put his hand in front of her face.  Kimi decided to wait until the movie was over.

On the screen was Tommy, as a baby, walking around, still in his diapers.  People laughed.  Then there were shots of him using a screwdriver to open the baby pin.  Tommy actually smiled at those scenes.  Then it changed to scenes of Tommy a few years older.  He’s playing with a movie camera (that actually did look like a lemon) and fooling around with it.

In the audience.  “Wow Tommy, I didn’t know you were a director at that age.”  Nicole leaned over and mentioned.  Tommy smiled.

On screen it showed Tommy, as he was now, still with a movie camera shooting things.  Later it showed various scenes of baby Tommy with Chuckie.  Most of them were either the two of them having fun, or Tommy helping Chuckie conquer his fear.  Later it showed them as they are now, being the best of friends.

In the audience, the two friends looked at each other and laughed.

On screen it showed Tommy with Phil and Lil.  There were scenes of them playing with toys, playing in the mud, numerous scenes.  On, in particular, showed Lil putting mud down the back of Tommy’s diaper, causing Tommy’s eyes to bug out.  The crowed laughed hysterically at it.

In the audience.  Phil and Lil are laughing too.  They looked at Tommy, who was simply giggling himself.  “No hard feelings Tommy?”  Lil asked.

“None what so ever Lil.”  Tommy smiled.

On screen it showed scenes of Tommy and Angelica.  Most of them had Angelica showing her form of “tough love” with Tommy usually choking in her grasps.  Then it showed them as they are now, usually bickering and fighting.  People were giggling at that.

In the audience, Susie leaned over to Angelica.  “Too bad people don’t know things really haven’t changed that much.”  Angelica just smiled at that.

On screen it showed various scenes of Tommy with Susie and Tommy with Dil.

In the audience, Kimi we confused.  ‘Wait, I should have been here already?’  She thought.

On screen a message appeared.  Now here’s our hero with the director.

In the audience, people looked stragely at Kimi, especially Tommy.  Kimi just slumped down in her chair and blushed beet red.

On screen were scenes of Kimi and Tommy as babies.  One of them showed Kimi holding a mud pie with a candle in it.  She handed it to Tommy, who was wearing a birthday hat.  Clearly it was Tommy’s birthday.  Then it showed a few scenes of them a few years older.  One showed Tommy giving Kimi a rock star Cynthia doll for her birthday.  Kimi gave Tommy a huge hug.  Everyone in the audience ‘awed’.  Another scene showed Kimi giving Tommy a Reptar movie set for his birthday.

Kimi just smiled and looked at Tommy, who also smiled at her.  The two quickly gasped and looked the other way in embarrassment, both looking at the ground.

“Uh, Tommy?”  Kimi mumbled.

“Yeah?”  Tommy asked.

“Well, I was wondering . . . one of the videos you were frantically looking for a birthday gift for me that you lost.  I don’t remember what you gave me instead but . . . what was it you originally got me?”  She asked quietly.

“Well . . . it was a millennium Cynthia doll.”  He chuckled.

Kimi’s eyes bugged out.  “What!”  She whispered loudly.  “Those things cost a fortune!”  She gasped.

“Well, my parents paid for most of it.  I still can’t believe I lost it.”  Tommy sighed as he looked back at the ground.

“But why would you give me something like that?”  Kimi asked dumbfounded.

“Well, you gave me something I wanted that year; and I know how much you wanted that doll for your birthday.  It just seemed only fair.”  Tommy smiled.

Kimi turned away, covered her face with her hands, and blushed.

Susie turned around and snickered.  She turned to Chuckie and the two high five.

On screen it showed one scene of Tommy and Kimi as they are now.  It was from a few days ago when Kimi jump tackled Tommy.  People chuckled while the two turned from light red to dark red.  The movie ended with them facing the camera with THE END on it.  Everyone applauded.

Later that night

People congratulated Tommy on a great party and Kimi on a great video.  After everyone but the gang left, Kimi sat down exhausted.  “Reminded me to never make another movie again.”  She sighed as she handed Tommy his camera.

“Ah come on, you were great.  Everyone loved it.”  Lil said with a smile.

“Yeah I loved it too.”  Phil added.

“I think you’re missing the point.  What matters is if Tommy liked it.”  Susie pointed out.

“She’s right.”  Angelica mentioned.  Everyone looked a Tommy.

“Well Tommy?”  Chuckie asked.

“Well . . . I . . .” He mumbled.  He looked at Kimi and smiled.  He looked at everyone else.  “I loved it.”  Everyone cheered.

“There’s just one thing I don’t understand.”  Kimi wondered.

“What’s that?”  Tommy asked.

“Well, for starters, who was it that recorded me tackling you?  I couldn’t have done it.”  She mentioned as she put one finger out.  Susie and Chuckie looked at each other nervously.  “Two, who was it that snuck into my room and changed the video?”  The two started to sneak away.  Kimi looked up and noticed.  “Hey!  It was you two!”  She stood up and pointed at them.  Susie and Chuckie looked at each other and ran off.  Kimi gave chase and followed them all around the yard.

Tommy and the others just watched and laughed.  Tommy then sighed.  ‘That Kimi, she was just doing something to help.  I guess I could forgive her.’

Just then Kimi stopped chasing Chuckie and Susie.  She was all out of breath.  She moved back to the bench and sat down.  “Great, now I’m even more pooped.”  She sighed.

“Remind you of anyone Dil?”  Phil joked.

“Very funny.”  Dil replied.  Everyone laughed.  Soon they all went into the house for some leftover food.  Only Tommy and Kimi remained.

Tommy sat next to Kimi.  He looked closely and saw tears in her eyes.  He put his arm around her.  “Kimi.  I’m sorry about the way I overreacted earlier.  It was just plain mean and wrong.”  He sighed.

“No Tommy, it’s all my fault.  I should have asked you first.  But I was just to thick head to do so.”  Kimi cried.

“No you’re not.  What sort of talk is that?”  Tommy replied back.

“But it’s true . . . isn’t it?”  She asked, with tears still in her eyes.

“Not by a long shot Kim.”  Tommy smiled.  “You know, you and I were always the bravest of the gang remember.”  Kimi nodded.  “And yet, isn’t it funny how we both have been afraid of telling people what we’ve done once we’ve figured out it’s wrong?”  Kimi thought about it for a moment, then she laughed.  “Just what I was thinking.”  Tommy joined in and laughed.  Soon after they called down, Tommy started to get up.  “Boy it sure if getting chilly out.  Let’s go in huh?”

Kimi started to get up too.  “Yes, lets.”

Suddenly, Tommy stumbled and toppled right on top of Kimi.  The two were in a very awkward situation to say the least.  The two looked at each other, both of their faces very red (although Kimi’s was a tad bit redder).

“Tommy . . . I.”

“Kimi  . . . I.”

The two giggled for a second.  Then they looked at each other again.  They started to move their faces closer to each other.

Just then the sliding door opened.  “You two coming or what?”  Angelica hollered.  The two jumped up very quickly and laughed nervously.

“Uh . . . we’re coming.”  Tommy chuckled.

With that he started to enter the house.  He turned to see Kimi still standing with he finger on her lips.  “Hey Kimi, ya coming or are you gonna freeze to death.”  He joked.

Kimi jumped out of it.  “I’m coming.”  She laughed as she ran into the house.

The moon is seen full and bright, the sky is clear, and a shooting star goes by.

Well?  How was it?  Please R&R!  On the next chapter:

It’s spring break and the Teen-rats (My own definition.  Hey, it’s better than mallrats) are at the beach.  A bunch of guys are swarming all over Kimi.  How will Tommy and Chuckie take it?  Find out next time.
The next chapter in my Rugrats All Grown Up story (Tommy/Kimi to be exact). Kimi is determined to make a movie dedicated to Tommy, even if she must still something precious to him to do it.

Anyone who wants to make Fan Art based off of this fic is welcome to. Just let me know when you do one.
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Zuru-Sama's avatar
Kinda rushing it, don't you think?